Invited Speakers


  • Hirotaka Tomiyasu

  The University of Tokyo, Japan

 "Comparative Oncology ~Lessons from canine and human histiocytic sarcoma"


  • Sarin Chimnaronk 

  Mahidol University, Thailand

 "The initiation of dengue virus replication and its inhibitor from marine organisms"


  • Luc Willems

  University of Liege, Belgium

 "Understanding oncogenesis induced by BLV/HTLV retroviruses opens opportunities for therapeutic intervention"


  • Cathryn L. Haigh

  Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIH, USA

 "Insights into prion neurodegeneration and transmission from human brain organoids"


  • Martin Gilbert

  Cornell University, USA

 “One Health implications for the conservation of large felids in Asia”